The Perks Of Being A Book Nerd

So, hey. I guess something about myself would be that I LOVE reading. I mean, If books didn't exist, I'd have no reason to live. Besides the fact I wouldn't be a writer if there were no books. I've been blogging for nearly two years and it's opened me up to meeting new book lovers as well as do what I love: reading. :)
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Unravelling by Elizabeth Norris

Unravelling (Unravelling, #1) - Elizabeth Norris

Having searched long and hard in the library for this book, I was beyond excited to finally read it. At first I thought this was just a kind of ‘whodunnit’ book (which in all fairness, aren’t my kind of books) but thank god it wasn’t! The opening chapters sucked me in to Janelle’s world (although not as quickly as I’d have liked) and I was fully intrigued by the time the “incident” happened.


Ben Michaels is a man of mystery. He has these weird powers that made me think supernaturally…if that’s even a word. And he had this whole image about him that made Janelle unsure. But she wanted to know what had happened – how she was alive. She had died! I mean, jeez. But no one around her believed her when she said she’d been dead. They passed it off as her being silly. Ben’s friends, Elijah and Reid are two guys I just didn’t connect with at all. The same with Nick, Janelle’s sort of boyfriend.

Alex, Janelle’s best friend, is one of those guys that I kept on getting vibes that he liked her more than he let on, but that was still supportive despite this? I don’t know. He’s a cool dude, but I just… yeah.  Then there’s Jared, Janelle’s younger brother who, though he’s only something like three years younger than her, sometimes acted like he was 9. It was a bit odd.


I liked the whole detective vibe in the story, but also because it wasn’t technical (well, not always) and I could go along with it without getting confused. Until half way-three quarters through the book, when I was so close to throwing the book out the window. The plot took a rather silly turn and I was like “WTF? That is ridiculous.” Alternate universes.  It’s not that I don’t like those kind of plots, but the first half never even whispered the idea. It just came out of nowhere, as though the author didn’t know the reason herself and thought “oh hell, why not?”


This didn’t necessarily stop me from reading, though. It took a few chapters and some eye rolling to get over it, but it did kind of take away from the over all feeling. Hence why I dropped a star rating. I thought I was going to love this book, but that plot twist was awfully set out in my opinion. I wouldn’t have minded so much if I’d been warned earlier on so I could grasp what I was reading. lol.


So, anyway, excluding the set back I had, this is really a good book full of mystery, romance, loss, angst and some serious shit going on that had me looking like :O. I think this is a one off, which is good because it ended perfectly and I couldn’t imagine it going anywhere else.

